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Reality 1.6 now a VST plug-in

Posted on : 14-11-2022 | By : admin | In : Uncategorized


Please contact SeerSound.com for details:


You Really Asked for This! Reality 1.6 for Windows 10.

Posted on : 04-09-2021 | By : admin | In : Uncategorized


Head on over to seersound.com to read about their massive perseverance in returning Reality to service!


EM Awards Reality’s “Game-Changing” Influence on Synthesis

Posted on : 19-11-2016 | By : admin | In : Seer History

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“For 25 years, the Editors’ Choice Awards have recognized the best music production technology for artists, producers, and engineers. This year, in honor of our anniversary, we’re expanding our focus—in addition to honoring the year’s best new innovations, we’re also paying tribute to game-changing products that have shaped the way we make music.

Seer Systems Reality has been selected for a 2017 Electronic Musician Editors’ Choice Legacy Award.”

February 2017 p.20

Deepest thanks to Electronic Musician, who similarly honored Reality’s release in 1998. The Legacy Award article appears on-line and in their NAMM edition, February 2017.

Seer Ships . . . To The Seer

Posted on : 28-03-2016 | By : admin | In : Seer History


No way I could miss out on #1 of the new series—with a solid-state drive!  A large Thank You to Jaymes Wilks for thinking big about the paradigm shift that is Reality!

Screen Shot 2016-03-28 at 2.59.31 PM

Seer Retail Returns!

Posted on : 25-03-2016 | By : admin | In : Technology Licensing


You want nostalgia, you got it. Seer Systems products are now distributed through http://www.seersound.com and are fully supported there.

You can purchase fully configured systems running Reality or software licenses for the purpose of building your own Reality system. We look forward to hearing from you!

Twenty Years

Posted on : 15-12-2012 | By : admin | In : Seer History

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Incorporated December 15, 1992.

EFF in the Pocket: I Told You Four Months Ago

Posted on : 29-08-2012 | By : admin | In : Seer History

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EFF took $1M from Google to blog on its behalf.

That’s not public service. That’s fraudulently serving yourself in the name of the public.

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EFF: Which Patent Troll is Your Daddy?

Posted on : 24-04-2012 | By : admin | In : Seer History

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Here is the real and irreversible result of EFF’s Lessig-inspired illogical, spastic IP agenda that only seems to find trolling in small, attackable companies. Or do you believe EFF helps independent inventors by encouraging Microsoft’s right to acquire $1B of patent monopolization for itself and facebook?

EFF’s publicity-led obsessions plausibly deny and distract from the obviously more serious internet corporate IP warfare at their doorstep; consolidation and trending anti-competitive practices unmatched since the days of the railroad robber-barons. Who seriously thinks the interest of independents figure prominently in these continuing, acquiesced mega-million trolling deals? Does it just not appear more, like anyone messing with facebook’s IPO strategy will end up as crab food in SF Bay?

Public interest: my ass. Self-aggrandizement: priceless.

Seer Systems Interests Airline Broadcasters

Posted on : 14-08-2011 | By : admin | In : Seer History

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In-flight content experts Altitude Media recently honored Seer Systems by telephone interview.

“Another in a two-decade line of ‘firsts,’ this is to my knowledge the first coverage of a synthesizer company by in-flight radio and magazines. It brings our story to the attention of over 10 million people.” founder Stanley Jungleib said.

The segment runs on Delta and USAir for all of September and October, 2011.

Listen: Altitude Media Interview

NoteMuseum Perseveres

Posted on : 29-07-2011 | By : admin | In : Technology Licensing

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